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GEAE Launches a New Project, 2005


GEAE Launches a New Project

The Study of the Spiritist Doctrine in English via Paltalk

            The members of GEAE's Editorial Council decided to start a new activity under the direction of the group – the implementation of virtual meetings to study the Spiritist Doctrine in English via Paltalk media.

            According to the maxim, “when the workers are ready, the work will appear”. We believe to be ready to start this new activity and as our aim is to serve with disinterestedness, we are convinced that the good spirits will assist us in this goal of spreading the teaching of the Spiritist Doctrine to our brothers and sister from the English speaking world. One of our members is American and a few others have fluency in English, which makes us believe that we are prepared to pioneer this activity in a dynamic and profitable way.

             Allan Kardec told us that one of the best way to practice true charity would be by spreading the teachings of the Spiritist Doctrine. There are already a few groups promoting the study of the Spiritist Doctrine on the Internet via virtual meetings, but none of them are doing so in English. Therefore, this is an open field ready to be explored and we at GEAE are willing to do so.
             Keeping the same philosophy adopted since the origin of our group, our goal is  simple and unpretentious. Our aim is to study the Spiritist Doctrine through a fraternal exchange of ideas and experiences and deepen our individual knowledge, which will allow us to strengthen our horizons in terms of having a broader understanding of the message of the superior spirits, who with the help of Allan Kardec, conveyed the teachings of the Spiritist Doctrine. We hope to promote a friendly and salutary interaction of fraternal and mutual help, which will enable each and every one of the participants to boost their level of knowledge and spiritual awareness.

            Initially we will have one meeting per month, but as the project expands and the number of participants increases we may also increase the number of monthly meetings. The meetings will take place every second Sunday of each month, beginning at 5:00 PM (USA Standard Eastern Time) and ending at 6:30 PM.


            The virtual group will be named GEAE - Spiritism to the World, which will be found inside the Paltalk's category Groups/Religious.


            The first meeting of the project is already scheduled for May 8th, 2005, at the time aforementioned and the theme for study is the following:

            The Creator – First Cause and Creator of all Things

[The Spirits Book – First Book, Chapter I]

            You may find the GEAE – Spiritism to the World group open at Paltalk at different dates and hours. We may open the group occasionally at no scheduled dates and times in order to handle informal conversation with those interested to learn about Spiritism in general. You are welcome to join us at these occasions and place your questions.

              In order to participate in the meetings you will need to download the latest version of Paltalk through the following link:

            After downloading and installing the program on your system, just simply connect to the Internet at the dates and times mentioned above, start up Paltalk, find the group at the respective category (Religious), double click at the name of the group (GEAE - Spiritism to the World) and you will have joined the group. The operational process that allows you to actively participate in the studies is very easy and self-explanatory. 


GEAE - Advanced Study Group of Spiritism

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