Year 16 | Number 93 | 2008 | March 15th, 2008 |
faith is only that which can face reason face to
face in every Humankind epoch." Allan Kardec |
"Members and representatives of the churches of this world, hear and engrave it on your memories. Above the earth, in the vast fields of space, there lives, thinks, and acts, an Invisible Church, which watches over mankind. It is composed of the Apostles, the disciples of Christ, and of all the wise men of Christian times, but with them you would find also the high spirits of every race, of all religions, all the great souls who have lived in this world according to the law of love and charity. For the judgments of heaven are not as the judgments of earth. In the ethereal spaces, the souls of men are not asked for an account of their race or their religion, but of their deeds and of the good they have done. That is the universal Church; it is not limited as are the conventional churches of this world; it is a union of the spirits of all those who have suffered for the truth." Excerpt from Leon Denis' Christianity and Spiritualism
[Chapter XI - Renovation - p. 229-230]
a man die
shall he live again? This is the question which in all ages has
troubled the souls of men; the prophets and the wise men of antiquity
were in doubt as to the answer to be given it. Philosophy has always
discussed it as one of the unsolved problems of humanity, while
modern science instead of clearing up the difficulty and giving us
renewed hope, either ignores the question altogether or advances
powerful arguments against the affirmative reply. Yet the ultimate
decision arrived at, whether in the negative or affirmative, is not
only of vital interest to each of us individually, but is calculated,
I believe, to determine the future welfare or misery of mankind.
"If the question should be finally decided in the negative, if all men without exception ever come to believe that there is no life beyond this life, if children were all brought up to believe that the only happiness they can ever enjoy will be upon earth, then it seems to me that the condition of man would be altogether hopeless, because there would cease to be any adequate motive for justice, for truth, for unselfishness, and no sufficient reason could be given to the poor man, to the bad man, or to the selfish man, why he should not seek his own personal welfare at the cost of others." Alfred
Russel Wallace
An "Interview" by Mike Tymn
MEDIUMS' BOOK - CHAPTER I - Do Spirits Exist? |
There is a famous song from a classic American movie that refers to the passage of time. The song says that the fundamental aspects of humanity do not change as time goes by. What is fundamental for beings is also lasting, no matter what comes and goes at men's whim. What actually changes is our comprehension about life as we realize what is really fundamental to ourselves.
In these times of turbulence that we now live, the old conceptions about the world are put to test as men build new ones more attuned with reality. Therefore, we slowly realize that we depend one upon the other, and that we are interconnected with the whole universe. In order for us to love our neighbors as ourselves, an understanding about this interconnection will be required, as well as an attitude of responsibility in the actions we take, whose consequences affect those that surround us.
Consequently, we will notice that concepts such as sustainability and social responsibility start taking part in economics discussions. We also realize that science, reluctantly but slowly leaves behind the ingenuous positivist approach of the nineteenth century, to perceive that there are other realities beyond those that are object of analysis in a laboratory. There will come a day when scientists will perceive that the basic functioning of the physical body depends upon its spiritual mold [see the topic below - Do Spirits Exist?], which acts since the process of the formation of the fetus to the processes which maintain the human being living throughout his entire life. They will understand that essentially death is simply the moment in which this mold or spiritual body [perispirit, in the spiritist terminology] stops sustaining the physical body, when the real being frees itself to enter into another life, the spiritual life.
The epoch in which we live is a great one, for immense opportunities are open for us to participate in the construction of a new civilization. We find ourselves in the time predicted by Jesus, and if evil is yet intermixed with goodness, the process of separation is already in course.
time goes by, it
becomes clearer to those who pursue the knowledge on the matters of
hereafter, about what is really fundamental and what is solely
accessory to the human being's ascension towards a true spiritual
life. Jesus told us that the heavens and the earth would pass, but
that his teachings would remain. It is exactly what we see happening
now. As men transform themselves spiritually, they will begin to
comprehend that there is nothing more fundamental to them than "To
love God beyond anything and the neighbor as thyself” anything
else is accessory. [Translation by Antonio Leite]
This book is out of print indefinitely
1st Electronic Edition by
Study Group of Spiritism
Next: Complementary Notes #
2 and the Following
A recent debate in the House of Commons, suggesting changes in the Abortion Bill, once again highlights a social problem that is uppermost in many people’s minds. Abortion is so commonplace that very few people in the Occidental World can say that they have not come across it, either in their family circle, or within the circle of their personal friendships.
Currently, in the United Kingdom, an unwanted pregnancy can be terminated up to 28 weeks, or seven months. Abortions are performed upon demand, and for the most simple of reasons. If a couple are anxious to have a son and find out their expected child is going to be a girl, then abortion is the answer to their problems. If they were to discover that their future child was going to have brown eyes, and they wanted a blue-eyed child, then they have the simple answer right there at their fingertips.
Even in Europe, where in many countries Abortion is illegal, this is merely a paper-exercise, because the expectant mother, by buying a plane or boat ticket to England, can still get that Abortion. This wholesale slaughter of human life accounts for the destruction of hundreds of thousands of human victims a year. And yet it is regarded by the majority as a perfectly acceptable means of solving individual problems. More lives have been ended in the United Kingdom by the surgeon’s knife since the introduction of abortion than the whole of the British casualty figures for the First and Second World Wars combined.
In a recent Parliamentary debate, the most strong case put forward against Abortion was submitted by Jill Knight M.P., when she said that a woman had the right to determine whether she would become pregnant or not, but that once the child had been conceived, then no person had the right to end that life. But what do Spirit say? Do They agree that a six month-old foetus, which if born prematurely would stand a very good chance of survival, could be disposed of simply because it had a physical defect, was of the wrong sex, or just wasn’t wanted? Their answer was:-
“The rules on Abortion are simple - “Thou shalt not kill”. The body is so made that if a conception is to be aborted, then it will be aborted naturally. This applies to all living beings. When Man takes things into his own hands, that is when trouble arises.
“When a life has been started, as in conception, then that life is there for a purpose, a purpose must be lived and worked out. Many times this purpose is interfered with, causing anguish to the spirit of the unborn child, who has come through a certain process to return to this Plane.
“Many times you speak of the mentally handicapped. There is a reason for even this kind of condition, for when the mentally handicapped return to the Earth Plane, it is known that this was going to happen and the experience has been provided for the individual’s progression, and for those that care for them. Everything is according to a plan and there is no need for Man to interfere. Interference is only by Man’s own selfishness and his fear of not being able to do what he wishes”.
The Light of
God’s Love is all about you, yet you do not see it and you do not feel
it. Why? Because you let your sorrows, your trials, your doubts, your
worries, your impatience, your fears, your pride, and your anger blind
you. You go around earth as if in a dense fog. Material
life is full of difficulties, disappointments, trials, and tests but
serve a Divine Purpose. Little by little as your soul progresses and
purifies itself through these, your soul will be able to see more
clearly that Divine Light that shines forever brightly all around you.
Only when you are cleansed of your impurities can you truly see it in
all its Magnificent Glory. Nevertheless,
even in your current imperfect state, if you would but open your heart
and soul more, and contemplate truthfully upon that Light full of
Divine Love, you could catch glimpses of it. You would then feel
fortified by its brilliant rays. You would find a certain inner peace
in its gentle warmth. You would feel emotionally uplifted from that
radiating Perfect Love that constantly surrounds you. God is All
Love. Look Upward to the Light towards that Grand Immensity when you
are feeling so downcast! If you have done your very best, your soul
will feel less burdened if you then sincerely surrender all the rest in
your life…to that Infinite Love and Perfect Wisdom of the Creator.
“When a child speaks of a
past life memory, the effects ripple far.
At the center is the child, who is directly healed and changed. The
parents standing close by are rocked by the truth of the experience – a
truth powerful enough to dislodge deeply entrenched beliefs. For
observers removed from the actual event – even those just reading about
it – reports of a child’s past life memory can jostle the soul toward
new understanding. Children’s past life memories have the power to
change lives.”
– Carol Bowman, author of Children’s Past Lives
Parents are usually quite concerned when
their children have nightmares. The tears alone on the face of a child
are enough to tug at the heart. Eventually, after the parents comfort
their children and allay their fears, the children close their eyes and
fall back asleep. Things return to normal, and the nightmares are
when the nightmares began four
years ago for 6-year-old James Leininger of Lafayette, his parents,
Bruce and Andrea Leininger, were troubled. The nightmares were coming
as much as four times a week, and James would violently kick and scream
with his feet up in the air. It appeared as though he was fighting with
something or buried in a box, trying to get out. The only way he could
escape the nightmares was for his parents to shake him awake. The
nightmares were out of control.
But it was what James would utter during
his thrashing nightmares that would make the hair on the back of his
mom’s neck stand up.
“He would say, ‘Airplane crash on fire, little
man can’t get out,’” Andrea says.
Bruce and Andrea began to rack their brains
about the source of the disturbing information, which they believed was
fueling these nightmares. An educated couple, Bruce and Andrea had
always tried to create a “Mozart for the mind” atmosphere for their
child and had strenuously kept violence away from his sight. So they
began to analyze their dinner conversations, what James was watching on
television, and other things that could influence him. Bruce and Andrea
weren’t involved in aviation, and their 2-year-old boy couldn’t read
yet. There had to be a logical explanation.
Looking for answers, Andrea began to seek
help outside of their home. The nightmares weren’t going away, and the
Leiningers didn’t know what they could do to stop them. The possible
cures seemed few, and it even crossed Bruce’s mind that an exorcism
might be necessary if the nightmares didn’t end.
Then Andrea’s mother, Barbara Scoggin,
suggested an explanation that later seemed to be the right answer:
James might be experiencing a past life memory.
After reading about a counselor by the name
of Carol Bowman from Pennsylvania, Ms. Scoggin explained how Ms. Bowman
was an expert on a child phenomenon that was similar to what James was
experiencing. Ms. Bowman had also authored a book, Children’s Past
Lives: How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child, after her own son
had similar problems with nightmares and strange recollections.
Andrea called her immediately. Then after
several discussions with Ms. Bowman, Andrea took her advice and began
to talk to James about his nightmares right after they happened. As a
result, Andrea says, the nightmares decreased drastically.
“When we are dreaming, our conscious minds
are not filtering material as when we are in a waking state, so
unconscious material, including past life memories, emerge,” Ms. Bowman
explains. “It is not uncommon for young children to dream of their
previous lives. We tend to notice the nightmares, because they disturb
the sleep and are often dramatic, realistic stories, as in James’ case.
They are often recurring, as the child relives the same dramatic events
over and over. On some level, they are seeking resolution to these
disturbing memories. When Andrea acknowledged what James was
remembering in his dreams – his plane crashing – it helped him move
through the trauma.”
But the side effect, which Ms. Bowman
expected, was that James’ statements about the crashing airplane and
the man who couldn’t get out became more detailed, more real to him.
Now, during the day, James began to
consciously mention how “his” plane took off from the water and the
Japanese shot down his plane. He even began to be more specific with
plane designations and the name of an aircraft carrier that was
stationed near Japan during World War II. The eerie and specific
details caused Bruce to take up a research quest with Andrea’s help to
disprove all of James’ “facts.”
Through all of their research, spanning
nearly five years with thousands of declassified documents, personal
interviews and military resources, Bruce and Andrea Leininger say they
are now finally sure of one thing: Their son is linked with the spirit
of a World War II Navy pilot by the name of James M. Huston Jr., who
died in 1945.
In April of 2000, after getting settled
their new home in Lafayette, James’ nightmares began. Bruce and Andrea
at first attributed their son’s nightmares to being in a new home with
unfamiliar sounds. But when they didn’t stop, the parents’ interest
went to a whole new level.
Meanwhile, the furniture suffered
James’ toy plane collection. James would crash his toy planes into
tables and chairs, Andrea recalls with laughter as she points to the
numerous nicks on the living room table. The table served as a landing
strip for his planes. Crashing became such an obsession to James that
whenever someone mentioned flying, James would blurt out, “Plane crash
on fire,” which Andrea says unnerved her.
James Leininger
signed his drawings
“James 3” before his father knew
about James
Huston Jr.
But still, Bruce and Andrea admitted, these
actions were similar to those of any child growing up – that is, until
James became really specific with details of his nightmarish crash.
From July to September of 2000, James began
to tell his parents that the plane in his nightmares was shot down by
the Japanese after it had taken off from a ship on the water. When
James was asked if he knew who the pilot was, he simply replied
Andrea asked James what type of plane he
was flying in his dreams, and he said it was a “Corsair.” Then, after
repeated attempts to push for more information right after the
nightmares, Bruce and Andrea got the word “Natoma.”
On a whim to try and make sense of it all,
Bruce did a simple Internet search for the word Natoma. The result:
there existed an aircraft carrier by the name of U.S.S. Natoma Bay,
stationed in the Pacific Ocean during World War II. Bruce thought then
it was just a coincidence.
In October of 2000, another piece of the
puzzle came clear. After another nightmare, James gave his parents the
name of Jack Larsen, and he said it was Larsen who flew with James.
The next month, James relinquished another
piece of information, which floored his already-skeptical father. Bruce
was thumbing through a book, The Battle For Iwo Jima, by
Derrick Wright, which he had recently received from a history book
club. While Bruce was inspecting the book, James jumped into his lap to
watch cartoons. While waiting for the cartoons to come on, James looked
at the book with his dad. Suddenly, James pointed to a map of Iwo Jima
near Chichi Jima and said, “Daddy, that is where my plane was shot
down.” Bruce says he almost keeled over.
Weeks later, after several more Internet
searches, Bruce stumbled upon a website that referred to the Natoma Bay
Association. He contacted a Leo Pyatt, who later said he was a radioman
on an Avenger fighter plane with the VC-81 squadron.
James Huston Jr., a World War II
fighter pilot, as he appeared on
Feb. 7, 1945, about one month
before he was killed in action.
Bruce couldn’t hold in the questions. He
asked Pyatt if there were any Corsairs flown on the Natoma Bay. Pyatt
said no – only Avengers and Wildcats. Bruce then asked if he had flown
any missions near Iwo Jima, and Pyatt said he had been a part of 36
missions there. Finally came the real question, about the existence of
Jack Larsen. Pyatt said he knew Larsen, but he never knew what happened
to him.
After realizing so many details from a
2-year-old boy were somehow realistic in nature, Bruce became a man
possessed, trying to disprove all of these “coincidences.” He began to
track down military records from across the nation. His ultimate goal
was to disprove these “coincidences” and to end the silly idea, once
and for all, that a supposed spirit was affecting his son.
Consequently, he needed to find Jack Larsen.
James Huston Jr. was a fighter
pilot in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Above, left:
poses with his Corsair plane – the same type of aircraft that James
mentioned by name during his earliest nightmares. Above, right:
U.S.S. Natoma
Bay is the carrier from which Huston flew for some five
months before he was
shot down. The carrier lost 21 men during its
campaign in the Pacific.
One of those men was a Lt. James McCready
Huston Jr. from the VC-81 fighter squadron, who was shot down at the
age of 21 on a special strike mission against shipping in Futami Ko
Harbor at Chichi Jima, according to declassified aircraft action
reports. Huston had volunteered for the mission, the last mission he
would have flown before returning to the United States. He was the only
pilot from the Natoma Bay who was shot down at Chichi Jima.
The name stuck out even more in Bruce’s
mind because the Leiningers had noticed that James had been signing his
name as “James 3” on his crayon drawings of World War II planes. He was
even saying he was “James 3” – months before the reunion – implying
that perhaps since Huston was named after his father, James Leininger
was the third.
At this point, Bruce says he became
frustrated because his quest to disprove the possibility that his son
was experiencing a past life was going in the wrong direction.
“All he ever draws are planes fighting,
and he knows the type of planes. I mean he even draws the red sun for
the Japanese,” Bruce says. “But after he drew ‘James 3’ for the first
time, I asked him why he did that. James said, ‘I’m the third. I’m
James 3.’ He’s been calling himself that ever since he was 3 years old.
I think he is struggling with something unresolved or he just wouldn’t
be still drawing those images, like a needle stuck on a record.”
Determined to fill in the missing pieces of
the puzzle, Bruce visited Larsen in Arkansas in September of 2002 and
asked him about Huston. Larsen said he couldn’t remember what happened
to Huston, but he was sure his plane had been hit by anti-aircraft fire
on March 3, 1945 – the day Huston failed to return from his mission and
was then pronounced missing in action. Larsen had been Huston’s wingman
during the day’s run to Chichi Jima.
However, Bruce still had hope that all of
this talk about spirits was wrong. After vigorously checking into the
squadron’s aircraft action records, he found out that Huston was shot
down in a FM2 Wildcat fighter plane – not a Corsair – and no one at the
reunion mentioned anything about Corsairs taking off from the Natoma
Bay. Bruce says this apparent inaccuracy gave him hope that all of this
was just a series of coincidences.
Just to make sure, Bruce tried to find
members of Huston’s family. In February of 2003 he made contact with
Anne Huston Barron, Huston’s sister, who now lives in Los Gatos, Calif.
Through several phone conversations, the Leiningers and Ms. Barron
became friends, and she agreed to send Bruce photos of her brother
during his military service. The packages of photos arrived in February
and March of 2003.
In one of the packages was a photo of
Huston standing in front of a Corsair fighter plane – the same kind of
plane James had mentioned over and over. According to Bruce, interviews
with past servicemen and declassified U.S. military records, before
Huston joined up with the Natoma Bay and VC-81, he was part of an elite
special squadron, the VF-301 Devil’s Disciples, from January to August
of 1944.
The elite squadron test-flew Corsairs for
carrier use, and only 20 pilots were selected for this assignment.
However, the VF-301 squadron was disbanded after eight months and
Huston was then transferred to VC-81 on Oct. 8, 1944.
When he learned this, Bruce says, all of his
skepticism vanished.
“I don’t have an answer for this, so I
can’t explain it either,” Bruce says. “Through it all, there has to be
an element of faith. There could still be the coincidence of dreaming
this all up, but there are odd factors you have to calculate. Lightning
can strike once, but when it strikes eight or nine times, you can’t say
it’s a coincidence.”
Bruce didn’t tell Ms. Barron about his
son’s supernatural story until later that fall, in October of 2003.
When he finally told her about the possibility of her brother’s spirit
being a part of James, she says she was stunned at first and had to let
it all sink in. Then on Oct. 15, 2003, Bruce and Andrea received a
letter from her, along with several of Huston’s personal effects, that
not only said she felt James should have the belongings, but that she
truly believed the story.
“This child couldn’t know the things he
does – he just couldn’t – so I believe he is somehow a part of my
brother,” Ms. Barron says. “These are the things you read about. There
must be a reason for it, but I have no hint of what it could be. It’s
some phenomenon that I don’t understand. It all happened nearly 60
years ago. There must be a reason.”
Despite not knowing the reason for these
coincidences, Ms. Barron is convinced that James Leininger is somehow
linked to her lost brother. She now calls the 6-year-old boy “James 3.”
In turn, he refers to Ms. Barron, who is 86 years old, as his sister.
As Bruce would uncover more information
about Huston, without telling James about any of it, the Leiningers
would notice more about their son’s actions. James had three G.I. Joe
dolls and named them Leon, Walter and Billie – names of three pilots
who coincidently served with Huston.
According to U.S. Pacific Fleet records,
Lt. Leon Stevens Conner, Ensign Walter John Devlin and Ensign Billie
Rufus Peeler were among the 21 fatalities from the Natoma Bay. They
were also members of the VC-81 air squadron with Huston. When asked why
he named the dolls the way he did, Bruce says James answered, “Because
they greeted me when I went to heaven.’”
After James said that, Bruce could only leave
the room in stunned silence.
James also explained to his father how
Corsairs would frequently have flat tires and would always tend to turn
to the left. After checking with military historians at the Lone Star
Flight Museum in Galveston, Texas, the statement was verified.
Andrea recalls the first time she cooked
meatloaf for James, who had never had the meal in his life. After
Andrea told him they were having meatloaf for dinner, James said he
hadn’t had meatloaf since he was on the Natoma Bay. So, Bruce and
Andrea contacted several veterans from the carrier, and they learned
that meatloaf was a regular meal for the crew.
July 1 of this year will mark the 150th anniversary of the reading of the famous Darwin-Wallace paper to The Linnean Society of London, a forum for discussions on genetics, natural history, systematics, biology, and the history of plant and animal taxonomy. It was this paper - or combination of papers prepared individually by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace - that announced the natural selection theory to the world.
While history has recorded that Wallace (1823-1913) was co-originator with Darwin of the theory of natural selection, usually referred to simply as evolution, most people seem to credit the whole idea to Darwin. That may be because Darwin's book, On the Origin of Species, published in 1859, gave it more widespread recognition. However, a secondary reason may be that Wallace's reputation among scientists was tainted somewhat by the fact that he became a champion of spiritualism.
Wallace's conclusions concerning natural selection were arrived at after years of travel in wilderness areas, including the Amazon and the Malay Archipelago. According to one biographer, by the turn of the century, Wallace was very likely Britain's best known naturalist and one of the world's most recognized names, as he lectured extensively on Darwinism. He was awarded honorary doctorates by the University of Dublin and Oxford University.
Below is my "interview" with Wallace. This "interview" is based on many of his papers, including those assembled in Miracles and Modern Spiritualism, published in 1896 by George Redway, London. All responses below are verbatim from the various papers, except for the Americanization of such words as skeptic (sceptic) and color (colour). The questions have been tailored and arranged to fit the answers.
Dr. Wallace, what were your early views relative to spiritual matters?
"Up to the time when I first became acquainted with the facts of Spiritualism, I was a confirmed philosophical skeptic, rejoicing in the works of Voltaire, Strauss, and Carl Vogt, and an ardent admirer (as I still am) of Herbert Spencer. I was so thorough and confirmed a materialist that I could not at that time find a place in my mind for the conception of spiritual existence, or for any other agencies in the universe than matter and force."
So what changed your mind?
"My curiosity was at first excited by some slight but inexplicable phenomena occurring in a friend's family, and my desire for knowledge and love of truth forced me to continue the inquiry. The facts became more and more assured, more and more varied, more and more removed from anything that modern science taught or modern philosophy speculated on. The facts beat me. They compelled me to accept them as facts long before I could accept the spiritual explanation of them; there was at that time no place in my fabric of thought into which it could be fitted. By slow degrees a place was made; but it was made, not by any preconceived or theoretical opinions, but by the continuous action of fact after fact, which could not be got rid of in any other way."
Would you mind elaborating on that occurrence with the friend's family?
"It was in the summer of 1865 that I first witnessed any of the phenomena of what is called Spiritualism, in the house of a friend - a skeptic, a man of science, and a lawyer, with none but members of his own family present. Sitting at a good-sized round table, with our hands placed upon it, after a short time slight movements would commence, and not often ‘turnings' or tiltings,' but a gentle intermittent movement like steps, which after a time would bring the table quite across the room. Slight but distinct tapping sounds were also heard. They gradually increased; the taps became very distinct, and the table moved considerably, obliging us all to shift our chairs."
What did you make of that?
"That there is an unknown power developed from the bodies of a number of persons placed in connection by sitting around a table with all their hands upon it. And the fact that we often sat half an hour in one position without a single sound, and that the phenomena never progressed further than I have related, weighs I think very strongly against the supposition that a family of four highly intelligent and well-educated persons should occupy themselves for so many weary hours in carrying out what would be so poor and unmeaning a deception."
Did you witness other phenomena after that?
"In September 1865, I began a series of visits to Mrs. Marshall (a London medium), generally accompanied by a friend - a good chemist and mechanic, and of a thoroughly skeptical mind. What we witnessed may be divided into two classes of phenomena - physical and mental. Both were very numerous and varied."
I gather from your various writings that you gradually came to accept the spirit hypothesis? Would you mind explaining that?
"Perhaps the most important characteristic of these phenomena [is that] they are from beginning to end essentially human. They come to us with human ideas; they make use of human speech, of writing and drawing; they manifest wit and logic, humor, and pathos, that we can all appreciate and enjoy; the communications vary in character as those of human beings; some rank with the lowest, some with the highest, but all are essentially human. When the spirits speak audibly, the voice is a human voice; when they appear visible, the hands and the faces are absolutely human; when we can touch the forms and examine them closely we find them human in character, not those of any other kind of being. The photographs are always the photographs of our fellow creatures; never those of demons or angels and animals. When hands, feet or faces are produced in paraffin moulds they are all in minutest details those of men and women, though not those of the medium. All of these various phenomena are of this human character.
"The spiritual theory is the logical outcome of the whole of the facts. Those who deny it, in every instance with which I am acquainted, either from ignorance or disbelief, leave half the facts out of view. That theory is most scientific which best explains the whole series of phenomena; and I therefore claim that the spirit hypothesis is the most scientific, since even those who oppose it most strenuously often admit that it does explain all the facts, which cannot be said of any other hypothesis."
What about the theory holding that medium has a secondary personality which is somehow giving rise to all the phenomena?
"But is this so-called explanation any real explanation, or anything more than a juggle of words which creates more difficulties than it solves? The conception of such a double personality in each of us, a second-self, which in most cases remains unknown to us all our lives, which is said to live an independent mental life, to have means of acquiring knowledge our normal self does not possess, to exhibit all the characteristics of a distinct individuality with a different character from our own, is surely a conception more ponderously difficult, more truly supernatural than that of a spirit world, composed of beings who have lived, and learned, and suffered on earth, and whose mental nature still subsists after its separation from the earthly body. On the second-self theory, we have to suppose that this recondite but worser half of ourselves, while possessing some knowledge we have not, does not know that it is part of us, or, if it knows, is a persistent liar, for in most cases it adopts a distinct name, and persists in speaking of us, its better half, in the third person.
"There is yet another and I think a more fundamental objection to this view, in the impossibility of conceiving how or why this second-self was developed in us under the law of survival of the fittest.
"This cumbrous and unintelligible hypothesis finds great favor with those who have always been accustomed to regard the belief in a spirit-world, and more particularly a belief that the spirits of our dead friends can and do sometimes communicate with us, as unscientific, unphilosophical, and superstitious."
So you feel the spirit hypothesis is definitely a scientific one?
"Why it should be unscientific more than any other hypothesis which alone serves to explain intelligibly a great body of facts has never been explained. The antagonism which it excites seems to be mainly due to the fact that it is, and has long been in some form or other, the belief of the religious world and of the ignorant and superstitious of all ages, while a total disbelief in spiritual existence has been the distinctive badge of modern scientific skepticism."
Do you feel there is as much evidence for survival as there is for biological evolution?
"My position is that the phenomena of Spiritualism in their entirety do not require further confirmation. They are proved quite as well as facts are proved in other sciences."
The skeptics often point to the trivial nature of mediumistic messages. Do you have any thoughts on that?
"The trivial and fantastic nature of the acts of some of these disembodied spirits is not to be wondered at when we consider the myriads of trivial and fantastic human beings who are daily becoming spirits, and who retain, for a time at least, their human natures in their new condition. So if we realize to ourselves the fact that spirits can in most cases only communicate with us in certain very limited modes, we shall see that the true ‘triviality' consists in objecting to any mode of mental converse as being trivial or undignified."
Materialists often say that you believe what you do simply because there is a will or need to believe. Can you objectively say that is not the case with you?
"For 25 years I had been an utter skeptic as to the existence of any preter-human or super-human intelligence, and that I never for a moment contemplated the possibility that the marvels related by Spiritualism could literally be true. If I have now changed my opinion, it is simply by the force of evidence. It is from no dread of annihilation that I have gone into this subject; it is from no inordinate longing for eternal existence that I have come to believe in facts which render this highly probable, if they do not actually prove it. At least three times during my travels I have had to face death as imminent or probable within a few hours, and what I felt on those occasions was at most a gentle melancholy at the thought of quitting this wonderful and beautiful earth to enter on a sleep which might know no waking. In a state of ordinary health I did not feel even this. I knew that the great problem of conscious existence was one beyond man's grasp, and this fact alone gave some hope that existence might be independent of the organized body. I came to the inquiry, therefore, utterly unbiased by hopes or fears, because I knew that my belief could not affect the reality, and with an ingrained prejudice against even such a word as ‘spirit,' which I have hardly yet overcome."
What do you say to those members of orthodox religion who seem to be satisfied with faith alone and ask what the use of spirit communication is?
"It substitutes a definite, real, and practical conviction for a vague, theoretical, and unsatisfying faith. It furnishes actual knowledge on a matter of vital importance to all men and most advanced thinkers have held, and still hold, that no knowledge was attainable."
Thank you, Dr. Wallace. Any parting thoughts?
"If a man die shall he live again? This is the question which in all ages has troubled the souls of men; the prophets and the wise men of antiquity were in doubt as to the answer to be given it. Philosophy has always discussed it as one of the unsolved problems of humanity, while modern science instead of clearing up the difficulty and giving us renewed hope, either ignores the question altogether or advances powerful arguments against the affirmative reply. Yet the ultimate decision arrived at, whether in the negative or affirmative, is not only of vital interest to each of us individually, but is calculated, I believe, to determine the future welfare or misery of mankind.
"If the question should be finally decided in the negative, if all men without exception ever come to believe that there is no life beyond this life, if children were all brought up to believe that the only happiness they can ever enjoy will be upon earth, then it seems to me that the condition of man would be altogether hopeless, because there would cease to be any adequate motive for justice, for truth, for unselfishness, and no sufficient reason could be given to the poor man, to the bad man, or to the selfish man, why he should not seek his own personal welfare at the cost of others."
For more on Wallace, read my article appearing in the March/April issue of Atlantis Rising Magazine. See
“Spiritism’s Contribution towards the
Integral Development of Humanity”
During June 4th through the 8th of 2008, Spiritists and those
interested will meet at in
Information and education will revolve around three main
themes: Spiritism as a Tool towards Spirituality, as
well as Moral Ethics, and Social Ethics-
in these Modern Times.
There will be panel discussions, specific lectures, and speakers on open topics relating to the Spiritist Doctrine. The Congress will end with a closing ceremony, as well as a dinner and dance.
Anyone interested in obtaining more information may visit the following website:
On Saturday, 29th March 2008, the seminar "Reflections on Spirit Attachment" by Dr. Alan Sanderson & Professor Raul Teixeira will be held at a venue in Central London - Quakers Friends Meeting House - Small Hall - Euston Rd NW1 London from 2pm to 5pm
Dr. Alan Sanderson is Founder and Vice-chair of the Spirit Release Foundation M.B., B.S. (London), M.R.C.P., D.P.M., M.R.C. Psychiatrist, is a consultant psychiatrist, hypnotherapist and spiritrelease therapist.
Theme: "Spirit Attachment throught the eyes of an English Psychistrist".
Professor Jose Raul Teixeira is A Professor of Physics, Raul Teixeira also holds a Ph.D. in Education is one of the greatest names on Spiritism today. Through his extraordinary mediumship professor Teixeira has published 23 books and has spoken in more than 40 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Theme: "Spiritist view on Spirit Attachment.
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